“Physical Contradiction” model
Write down the physical contradiction according to the following formula:
- The parameter <name> of the component <name> must be <value or qualitative characteristic of the parameter> so that <substantiation of the parameter value>.
- The parameter <name> of the component <name> has the value <value or quality characteristics of the parameter> in the problem system so that <substantiation of the parameter value>.
The life line should be elastic not to cause a strong jerk.
The life line should be rigid to hold the falling steel erector.
Specify the space which can be allocated in the technical means structure for solving the problem.
Around the hook, belt and life line
Specify the time intervals that are available during the system operation and can be used to transform it.
The time from the beginning of the life line stretching till the full stop of the steel erector.
Specify material objects that are present in technical means and can be used as resources.
1.Hook 2. Life line 3. Belt 4. Steel erector’s body 5. Construction elements 6.
Readily available substance resources.
Specify fields and forces that act during the technical means operation and can be used as resources.
1. Steel erector’s falling energy 2. Readily available field resources
Specify the method for separating the contradictory requirements for a component and describe the specific method for implementing that method for the given contradiction.
Conflicting requirements can be separated in time.
First, let an elastic line act. It will softly hold the worker and decelerate him during the fall.
After softening the impact energy, the elastic life line should become rigid and strong to finally hold the worker.
Find and write down the solution model that corresponds to the contradiction-resolving method.
Find such a design for a life line that would keep it elastic until a certain load is reached and make it rigid after the load is exceeded.
Specify the requirements for the resource you are looking for using the following scheme:
- What, where and when should be done
- Resource properties.
- Distort elastically under the weight of a steel erector until a certain limit is reached.
- Become rigid after reaching a certain load threshold.
- Not produce a backward jerk.
- Be lightweight.
Find and write down the idea of a solution to the problem taking into account all the information gained in the previous steps.
The life line or its portion is made from an easily deformable metal such as aluminum or soft steel. When the worker falls, the chain deforms, stretches with resistance and absorbs the impact energy. The stretched chain will finally hold the falling person.
Conclude whether the solution to the problem is satisfactory or the solving process should be repeated using this problem model or another one.
The device is simple in design and application, works reliably and does not cause any additional manufacture- or use-relating problems.
The disadvantage is that it is necessary to attract resources from the supersystem.
Continue problem solving using another model.